Expense/Income Tracker App

New version using TypeScript

  • Tech Stack: TypeScript, React 18, Redux Toolkit, MaterialUI 5, Axios, AMCharts 5, DayJs, Husky
  • GitHub URL new version: This repository is private, I can showcase the project and the source code.
  • GitHub URL old version: Repository Link

This is a personal project I am currently working on, and as a result it only has the Client side for the moment. The UI is not finished yet.

The application is tracking expenses and incomes for a User accordingly to a selected date range, showcasing in a chart the category of expenditures and the total budget, (i.e., expenses versus incomes).

CRUD functionalities for expenses, incomes and categories.

Light/Dark Mode.

ESLint rules, Internalization EN/RO

Old version of this app using JavaScript